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Appointing Eden Jersak

Dear Bridge Community,

Since Dean and Janine’s resignation, the Steering Team has been working hard to set some direction and plan a way forward for our Bridge Community while also living through a challenging global pandemic. We would like to share one of our decisions, and we hope you will recognize the value of it, as we did.

We have asked Eden Jersak to step into a part-time, interim role as a pastor at The Bridge. This will help to cover some of the gaps in staffing brought about by the loss of Dean and Janine. It will also help to keep us connected as a community while being isolated.

We feel this will be a good fit for several reasons: she is already part of the community, and already acting in this role, so we can avoid a big adjustment to a new staff person. Eden has experience pastoring a church of a similar size and demographic.

We are hopeful that having Eden on staff in a pastoral role will see us through this transition time, and virtual church season, so we all can come out the other side in a healthy and hopeful state.

We invite you to come alongside us in this decision, and would appreciate your thoughts, encouragement, and affirmation as we look forward to what this coming year holds for all of us as The Bridge Community.

Respectfully submitted by

The Steering Team