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The thirty sixth day of Lent

God's sunrise will break in upon us... quote from Zechariah's prophecy in Luke 1

Tuesday, March 26, Lent 36

These words were spoken before the birth of Jesus at the birth of his cousin John in a prophecy spoken by John’s father, Zechariah

‘Through the heartfelt mercies of our God,
    God’s Sunrise will break in upon us,
Shining on those in the darkness,
    those sitting in the shadow of death,
Then showing us the way, one foot at a time,
    down the path of peace.’
Zechariah (Luke 1:79)

In Holy week we sit in the shadow of death as Good Friday looms ever closer.

But, in this week Jesus has things to do and say. The story for today finds him in the temple. He drove out merchants and turned over tables of the moneychangers. He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer; but you are all making it a den of robbers.’”
The poor, the blind, the disabled, all came to Him and He healed them and the girls and boys cried out, “Hosanna to the Son of David.” just like the prophecies had said they would.

Let’s pray:

Our Father in heaven, as Jesus taught us to pray…
There are children the world over crying out - Hosanna, come and save us.
There are children and adults sitting in the shadow of death crying out - Hosanna, come and save us.
We stand with our fellow humans and we cry - Hosanna, come and save us.
And where we can come alongside as your hands and feet, show us.
And where we can be a part of the saving, help us.

Categories: Prayer