IN PERSON together in-person  virtually Holy Everywhere on a blue mountainous background

This Sunday we are together in person at the Legacy Building in Abbotsford, and simultaneously on Zoom

James Lam will be speaking starting from the Lectionary passages this week: Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-10; Psalm 133; 2 Corinthians 2:14-16; Mark 14:3-9

Coffee will be ready to go at 10:20am (and again in the coffee break). Please help us reduce waste by bringing your own cup or mug.

If you are joining on zoom we'll let you in at around 10:20 so we can make sure it is all working for you and so we can visit for a few minutes ahead of getting going at 10:30.

Contact the office for an invite.

Philip & Brenda Janz will be leading our sung worship. You can find lyrics on our sung worship page and a playlist on YouTube or Spotify.

Watch or listen Holy Everywhere white text on a blue mountainous background

Welcome to the podcast!
The episodes contain the visio divina/lectio divina/guided meditations/prayers, communion, and messages from our weekly gatherings. We hope that you'll join us live on zoom or in person but if you aren't able to do that then we have the audio only podcast or Vimeo where you can watch the message part.

Everything except announcements and Q&R

Episode 173. Creator’s Good Road and the mustard seed, with Sarah Pickering

Episode 174. Damned Herd with Bradley Jersak

Episode 175. God knows what we need with Eden Jersak

Episode 176. Queer Gifts with Beth Carlson-Malena

Episode 177. Three kings with Eden Jersak

Episode 178. Guaranteed Satisfaction with Paul Sharp

Episode 179. Wild Church at Fishtrap Creek

Our messages are following the Lectionary assembled by Wilda C. Gafney - A Women's Lectionary for the Whole Church, Year B

The message portion of our gathering is available to watch on Vimeo.

Creator’s Good Road and the mustard seed with Sarah Pickering

Damned Herd with Bradley Jersak

God knows what we need with Eden Jersak

Queer Gifts with Beth Carlson-Malena

Three kings with Eden Jersak

Guaranteed Satisfaction with Paul Sharp

Wild Church at Fishtrap Creek

The images used for visio are on the Pastor's blog if you would like to revisit them.

Because of love LGBTQIA A place of affirmation and celebration

Our Statement of affirmation

LGBTQ+ Resources
Keep popping back here as this is an ever evolving list of resources

On Sunday, October 3, 2021 we marked our churches decision to be an inclusive, welcoming and affirming community of people who are making it our business to live out our faith in love.

Stacey Chomiak is an LGBTQ Christian Speaker, artist, author and art director and was our guest speaker and we loved hearing her story.

If you were not able to join us that week, here's a recording of the gathering. It was wonderful. You can watch on Vimeo or find that episode by date on our podcast.

Watch Oct 3, 2021 on Vimeo




Adults Sunday Morning Gathering on blue fading background

We are in person this weekend, and simultaneously on zoom. Details above

Dates coming up:
Aug 4: No Gatherings
Aug 11: IN PERSON+
Aug 25: IN PERSON+
Sep 1: No Gatherings

Contact the office to be added to the list to join us live on Zoom.

We alternate Sundays in a combination live/online and online only format

We meet LIVE on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, and online only on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays except when we have a long weekend when we pause our official gathering together.

It takes a crowd of people to make the Live gatherings happen and we'd love to have you join the team contact the office and we'll add you to a team in an area that would fit you.

KIDS the great big love of God For you for me for everyoneWe are in person this coming weekend and meeting at the building. Kids will have pizza box activities this Sunday.

The regular pattern is zoom on weeks 1 & 3 in the month and in person on weeks 2 & 4 in the month - pop back here for the plan as and when we have 5 week months.

Either way we meet we will get together to tell stories, play games, do craft, have communion together and pray.

Message Sarah if you would like more information or to get on the list to get the family information or invites for each week.

Contact Sarah for a zoom code.


Midweek connections on a blue and green background

If you have an idea or a group that you would like to start then let us know using the contact form below.

Small group thoughts and ideas


Green fade with the words: Help! I am home sick!

There may be a time when some in our community need to stay home and isolate. We want to be able to help you as you need it. There are members of our community who will be happy to pick up groceries for you, bring you a nice coffee, visit through a window, pray for you, or try and meet whatever need you have.

Let us know how we can help by contacting the church office.
Let us be community together by helping one another out.