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Holy Saturday, the fortieth day of Lent

All we are saying is give peace a chance John Lennon - quote

Holy Saturday, March 30, Lent 40

‘All we are saying is give peace a chance.’ John Lennon

Holy Saturday is the day of uncertainty and unknowing. Holy Saturday is the silence between the horror of death and the newness of life and we know what comes next but for those who walked through it first, they had no idea what was coming.

The world can seem to be perpetually in the middle of Holy Saturday because we don’t know what is coming tomorrow.

I wrote a poem for today.

To sit in the darkness of not knowing.
A single candle flame
holding vigil
at the tomb
of Love

This is the biggest of all uncertainties
The flame flickers
Will Life return?
Is Love lost forever?
Will backs and hearts
as hard as iron
soften in the sun?
Will light return?
All is darkness
through the night
and still will be
at break of day

We catch our breath
And tears fall
We weep for our loss
We weep for us all

Will the light return?

If you are sitting with a loss today know you are not the first to do so, and will not be the last. God with us, is still true on this day between.

See you in the morning.

Categories: Prayer