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Lent - Lectio Divina

Stories of Jesus

The Season of Lent
Lent is the time preparation for Easter, making space for and focusing on the love of Jesus. We are going to use six different practices to help us do that in the next six weeks. Being present, Lament, Lectio Divina, Trust, Compassion & Hospitality.

We talked about lament, telling God what you think about pain or upset or worry, and decided that God wants to hear about all of it - our happy, our sad, our angry, our confused and our anxious moments - God wants to hear about ALL of it because He loves us. We read Psalm 6 and thought about what King David was feeling when he wrote that Psalm.

Worship Dance Party
Worship isn’t fabulous on Zoom and so I’ve put together a playlist on Spotify that we’d have used if we were face to face.
These songs are are about the happy and sad times and God who never changes through it all - this might be a good set to play while you’re in your cozy fort (see the challenge for today)


This coming Sunday
Lectio Divina is the practice for this week. It means Holy Reading. It is a way to read the bible, but also a way to read all kinds of things like pictures, music, landscapes, whatever… We’ll be learning the how to this Sunday and trying it out as a way to explore the world with Jesus as our guide.

Prep for Sunday - thank you!
The envelope for this coming Sunday has a page we are going to make into a booklet - kids will need scissors and colours

GOD WITH US! God is with ME
God is with us in all the places we are with all the feelings we have.

Your challenge this week is to build a cozy fort in your house or make a special place that you can go to talk with God and tell God about your day whether it was good, bad, or anything in between

Send Sarah a photo of your fort or join us next Sunday from your fort!

Let’s Pray
Jesus, I’m so glad you are with me. I am glad I can be myself with you at all times whatever I’m feeling. Thank you for your love for me and for my friends. Amen.

Question of the week
Ask yourself, as a sibling, as a parent, ask a friend - even ask a stranger…

What challenge or problem did you work on today?


Categories: Family Time , For Parents , Prayer , Worship Music