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Lent - lament

Stories of Jesus

The Season of Lent
Lent is the time preparation for Easter, making space for and focusing on the love of Jesus. We are going to use six different practices to help us do that in the next six weeks. Being present, Lament, Lectio Divina, Trust, Compassion & Hospitality.

We talked about being present and that we can be present any time we want to focus in. Jesus is always present with us, and that is great news.

Worship Dance Party
Worship isn’t fabulous on Zoom and so I’ve put together a playlist on Spotify that we’d have used if we were face to face.
These songs are are about the happy and sad times and God who never changes through it all.


This coming Sunday
Lament - it’s okay to be mad, it’s okay to be sad, it’s okay to feel whatever it is that you are feeling and God wants to know all about all of it. God is always ready to listen to every kind of thing that we are dealing with, we don’t need to always be shiny and happy to talk to God. God would rather we were honest and real. To read: Psalm 13

Prep for Sunday - thank you!
Gather together : paper and colours - that’s it!

GOD WITH US! God is with ME
God is present with us, as close as our breath.
Breathe in and out slowly three times. (do it)

Your challenge this week is to repeat that breathing activity - just three big in and out breaths - in five different places or during things you are doing. Just pause in the middle of whatever it is - playing, reading, eating, etc, and take three big breaths in and out and remember that God is as close as the air you are breathing.

Let’s Pray
Jesus, thank you that you want me to be honest with you. Today I am feeling ________, I wanted you to know about that, and here’s why _______________. Thank you that you are always with me. 

Question of the week
Ask yourself, as a sibling, as a parent, ask a friend - even ask a stranger…

What was your best mistake today?

Categories: Family Time , For Parents , Prayer , Story , Worship Music