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Easter Season, the Good Shepherd


Easter Season
Easter Sunday is the day we celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead but this isn’t a one day only kind of thing - Jesus is alive and that’s good news for every week! This is Easter, part 4

On Sunday…
This week we told the story of Jesus appearing to the disciples again and showing them that he was alive by eating something - and we shared our favourite snacks.

Challenge: In the world around us
Thursday this week is earth day. What you can do to make the world around you a better place? Ask God for ideas.
Put one of them into action.

Worship Dance Party
Worship isn’t fabulous on Zoom and so I’ve put together a playlist on Spotify that we’d have used if we were face to face.


This coming Sunday
Jesus cares for us like a good shepherd. Throughout the Bible, God promises to shepherd the people - to care for them, to lead them, and keep them safe. Jesus is the promised Good Shepherd.
Read it ahead in John 10:11-18

Learn together
I am the good shepherd, I know my sheep, and my sheep know me. John 10:14

Let’s Pray
Thank you, Jesus, that you’re always watching out for us like a good shepherd! Guide us in your good ways. Amen

Prep for Sunday - thank you!
Save the inside of a toilet roll & other random recycling things that kids could build from.
You’ll also need paper and scissors and glue etc

Question of the week
Ask yourself, as a sibling, as a parent, ask a friend - even ask a stranger…

A shepherd takes care of sheep… What do you take care of?

Categories: Family Time , For Parents , Prayer , Teaching , Worship Music